Influence Strategies Affecting Organizational Buying Decisions: An Empirical Study in Vietnam Enterprises

Buying decisions in organizations often are made by decision-making units or buying centers whose members typically represent different departments and have different interests and motivations.

Tác giả:       Nguyen Thi Thanh Mai

In trong:      Chuyên san Kinh tế và Kinh doanh

Số:             Tập 32, Số 5, 2016, tr. 32-43

Ngôn ngữ:   Tiếng Anh

Từ khóa:  Influence strategies, effectiveness of influence strategy, buying center, organizational buying decision

Tóm tắt:     Buying decisions in organizations often are made by decision-making units or buying centers whose members typically represent different departments and have different interests and motivations. Buying decision outcomes depend on many factors, including the interpersonal relationships between these members. Consequently, organizational decision-making processes involve considerable complexity. This study refers to influence strategies that a participant in a buying center may use to influence others, thereby, affecting the purchasing decision outcomes and their effectiveness. This study mainly uses a qualitative method to validate its hypothesis. In addition, although this study examines the organizational buying of the online marketing services, its findings will provide an insight into the influencing of purchasing decision outcomes for both professional services and general purchasing decisions. The implication and limitations are also discussed in this study.

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